Five Tips to Eat a Healthy Brunch in Wynwood

Everyone loves a chance to enjoy a leisurely meal with the people they love and beautiful weather. Brunch is fun especially if you are with wonderful people in a restaurant with a welcoming atmosphere. The best restaurant will not let you sacrifice your health just because you are eating breakfast and lunch in one sitting. Their brunch options are as healthy as you want to be.

Here are some ways to eat a healthy brunch at one of the best vegan restaurants in Wynwood:

Look Through your Options

Walking through the line and surveying your options at buffets will increase your chances of picking healthy options. This is also possible when you take time to look through the menu to find healthy options when you eat your brunch. When you see the options, you can prioritize where you want to splurge instead of piling on anything that looks appetizing.

Fill your Main Plate with Salads and Veggies

If you are trying to maintain a healthy diet, it does not make sense to place your salad, fruits, and veggies on a smaller side plate. Munching on salads will help you eat more healthy stuff than unhealthy ones.

Moreover, as brunch items are often calorie-dense, you must try to load up on salad and any other veggies available, filling half your plate. Consider ordering double sides of vegetables. The other half must have a good protein source like lean meat, beans, and egg whites. Also, it should include a good source of healthy fat like nuts, seeds, avocado, and egg yolks.

Take It Easy on the Bread, Beverage, and Dessert

To eat a healthy lunch, consider picking just one option between bread, beverage, and dessert on a regular day. But, you can loosen the belt a bit on special occasions by picking two. A once-a-year holiday can be the perfect time to choose three. Making a strong stand on where to splurge will help you keep your overall meal balanced.

Stay Hydrated

Staying hydrated by drinking lots of water has lots of benefits. Also, it helps you feel fuller and not overindulge. If you prefer to consume alcohol, stick to a lower-sugar beverage and alternate any subsequent drinks with water.

Pause for a Few Minutes Before Returning to the Buffet

Keep in mind that brunch is not an all-you-can-eat competition. It is okay to eat until you are satisfied; however, it is a no-no to eat until you are uncomfortable. Before you return to the buffet for desserts or seconds, pause for ten minutes to notice the true hunger signals of your body.