Body Laser treatment is not only for sculpting your body to get into the shape that you have been dreaming of. There are various lasers available which help to treat various marks and scars like stretch marks, acne marks and even tattoos. So if you have been suffering from any of these and have been looking for ways to get rid of them, then we are sharing the different treatments which have specifically been designed to target certain problems.

Getting rid of the Stretch Marks

Fotona laser is used especially for treating stretch marks. There is a varying setting which helps to begin the reproduction of skin cells. One of the great ways to treat the stretch marks present on either the tummy or thighs is skin remodelling. Treatment varied from person to person depending upon their needs, but a patient typically needs about 6 treatments over 2-3 weeks.

There are three separate settings in the Fotona laser, they are:

  1. Smooth Model: it is used to stimulate the production of collagen and initiate skin remodelling and tightening.
  2. Fractionated Laser: this is the next step in which the heat is delivered directly to the stretch mark tissue and causes a fractionated dermal injury to help break down the issue from the inside out. This treated skin tissue will then begin to remodel itself and smoothen out over a couple of weeks.
  3. Skin tightening: This is the final step which focuses on the entire surface of the treated area. A thermal laser is used which increases the production of collagen and elastin. This is known as Neocollagenesis and reduces the laxity of the skin, making it tighter.

Treating scars:

Advanced Fluorescence Technology (AFT) laser is usually used for improving the surface area of any skin problem and also reduces the visibility of the scars while smoothening the skin out. Erbium Laser Treatment is another option which deals with scarring, making the surface of the skin appear smooth and without any scars. The CO2 lasers are also used for the deeper scars, like the pitted acne scars and provide the best resurfacing. The CO2 laser is usually effective after only one treatment, whereas the other two require a series of them.

Tattoo removal

The laser is the most effective way to remove an unwanted tattoo. The specific laser blasts are directed at the tattoo which breaks up the pigmentation of the ink of the tattoo. Once these links are broken down into smaller particles, the body is then able to filter them away naturally. This filtering process takes time, so multiple treatments over a spaced-out period are necessary. Each treatment causes the tattoo to fade more and more after every appointment. Though this treatment is mildly uncomfortable, you will be provided with various pain management techniques to make the process easier for you and more tolerable. There is no downtime after the treatment and you can resume your daily activities without any delay.