Can CBD Help With Hair Loss?

 CBD is currently the hottest product in the beauty industry. You’re likely to be intrigued by cannabidiol, derived from hemp plants. We know that CBD can benefit those with anxiety. Some claim that CBD can reduce wrinkles, moisturize, and even eliminate acne. While the scientific evidence isn’t conclusive, we know that CBD has anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties. How can these properties help hair? To get more information on how CBD might be able to benefit our hair and help with hair loss, we talked with Michelle Henry, MD, a board-certified dermatologist, Harvard-trained Mohs surgeon, and Cantu Partner.

Before we get to the details of CBD for hair loss, Let’s discuss the differences between CBD oil and hemp seed oil. These two varieties of Cannabis sativa are hitting the hair and skincare markets. Each has anti-inflammatory properties but they are made differently. CBD oil comes from the stalks and leaves of the hemp plant, which means that it contains higher levels of CBD. Hemp seed oil, on the other hand, is made from Cannabis sativa seeds.

We’ve now given you some information about CBD and hair loss.


Type of INGREDIENT- Hydrator and anti-inflammatory

MAIN BENEFITS- It soothes the scalp and regulates oil production.

WHO SHOULD USE IT- Anyone can benefit from CBD in their haircare routine. You should consult a doctor if you have severe hair loss or other scalp problems.

HOW Often can you use it- It can be used as necessary.

It works well with- Many hair products can be added to masks or treatments for additional benefits.

CBD Hair Benefits

CBD is an anti-inflammatory powerhouse that has been shown to lower inflammation and pain due to arthritis. How does this benefit translate to our scalps? CBD is naturally rich in antioxidants such as vitamins A and C. This makes it an anti-inflammatory and antioxidant-rich option. Michelle Henry, MD, tells us that the active ingredient (cannabinoid), is anti-inflammatory and can be used to treat eczema and psoriasis. For scalp and hair problems that are triggered inflammation, such as eczema or psoriasis. Dermatitis is recommended for women with hair loss.

Traditional medicine is not an option for women who aren’t interested in traditional treatment. These issues can be addressed with CBD oil.

Hemp seed oil has also entered the haircare chat, but because hemp seed oil is derived from seeds it doesn’t carry as many anti-inflammatory benefits as CBD oil. Henry says that hemp seed oil can moisturize an irritated or flaky scalp. Hempseed oil will lock in moisture to the scalp and hair. The scalp is an extension to the face, which is what many people forget. We should also use the same ingredients.

To stimulate hair growth and prevent hair loss, do all you would on your face (moisturize, nourish).

Hair loss and irritation can be caused by many factors. Talking to your healthcare provider is the best way to discuss your concerns.

Hair Type Considerations

CBD is able to benefit many hair types. Henry points out that there is not much research into CBD’s potential to stimulate hair growth. “I haven’t seen any studies on [CBD oil] directly stimulating the growth of hair.” The key is to reduce inflammation, which encourages hair growth and protects the hair. Phytocompounds, which have antioxidant and antimicrobial effects, can be credited for this. The hemp plant can be applied to the skin to reduce inflammation and molecularly link to the CB1 or CB2 receptors. There are some things you should remember before you rush to buy CBD products for your hair. We mentioned at the beginning that CBD and hemp oil are two different things. The hemp seed oil does contain fatty acids that are great for the scalp and hair. CBD, however, has more anti-inflammatory properties. When looking at product labels, it is important to consider your specific needs and the ingredients of the product. We hope you find our explanation helpful.

How to use CBD for hair

If you use CBD oil on your hair or scalp, it is important that you follow the same procedures as you would for any other hair care ingredient. This includes using CBD-infused shampoos, conditioners, and styling products as prescribed. We recommend that you apply six to eight drops of CBD oil to your scalp.

This post was written by Flo Sugyatno, operations manager of PureMed and CBD Expert. At PureMed we are the best providers of CBD Capsules For Pain! We know that the best product comes from the best ingredients. That’s why we only use local, non-GMO ingredients that are grown without pesticides! We Produce Worry-Free CBD.